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Korean Journal of Lingual Orthodontcis 2013 Vol.2
The Reproducibility of Natural Head Position between Before and After Orthognathic Surgery
Hee-Wook Sohn, In-Young Park, Young-Ju Park, Jang-Hoon Ahn
Multi-slotted Lingual Bracket: Tandem Archwire Technique
Ryoon-Ki Hong, Seung-Min Lim, Jung-Min Heo, Jang-Hoon Ahn
Comparison of Treatment Easiness Depend on the Crowding Severity in Lingual Orthodontics
Yeon-Bum Choi, Sang-Hoon Choi
Effective Lower Incisor Intrusion Using Lingual Appliance
Joong-Ki Lim, Sang-Hee Lee
Non-surgical Orthodontic Treatment of a Skeletal Open Bite in High Angle Adult Case
Jung-Kil Lee, Bum-Yeon Koh
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