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[4-1]_(13~18) Influence of Occlusal Pads on Postural Balance in the Treatment of Patients with Lingu

작성자 사진: Dr. Young-Gyu LeeDr. Young-Gyu Lee

Infl uence of Occlusal Pads on Postural Balance in the Treatment of Patients with Lingual Brackes System. Crossing Borders. Interdisciplinary Approach.

Maria Vasilyeva, Elena Seselkina

Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontia, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian

Purpose: Explore the possibilities of osteopathic treatment to prevent complications in the background lingual orthodontic treatment devices for adults. Explore the influence of occlusal overlays on postural balance through inhibition and reduction of the downward impact dentition anomalies. To study the effect of occlusal pads during orthodontic treatment in the lingual technique on biomechanical balance of the body, the impact on PDM.

Methods: Orthodontic examination. X-ray cephalometry using X-ray machine with cephalostat. Determining the position of the mandible by means of programs and deprogram miotsentrik \"Miostim\". Digital photography. Visualization of dynamics of changes in face and posture, before and aft er treatment.Osteopathic examination of two groups. Psychological survey.

Results: An independent orthodontist has confi rmed improvement of cephalometric parameters in both groups and noted that in the study group positive changes are more pronounced. Analysis of the results of measurements, as well as visual inspection and testing results of osteopathic orthodontist has led to the conclusion that the appropriateness of occlusal pads in orthodontic and osteopathic treatment. The main group aft er treatment: No Headaches, Utomlyaemost has decreased, Normalization of sleep, Decrease in irritability and aggressiveness. Patients in the control group have not been changed. Conclusion: All our studies results show the eff ectiveness of treatment of patients with occlusal pads when working with lingual braces in the main group.

Conclusions independent osteopath has confi rmed the usefulness of occlusal pad during orthodontic treatment. We have proved the necessity of osteopathic support at all stages of orthodontic treatment: diagnosis, treatment, prevention; complications during treatment. Occlusion lining installed with the neuromuscular balance of the lower jaw, controlled performance VSD, osteopath test allows us to adapt and harmonize changes in the area of the teeth-jaw arising from the use of orthodontic appliances, the whole structure of the body as a whole, which makes it possible to store the result of orthodontic treatment.

Key words: Occlusal pads, Posture, Lingual appliances, Osteopath, Interdisciplinary approach

Korean J Lingual Orthod 2015;4(1):13-18

조회수 29회댓글 0개

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