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New Update for Overcorrection on Setup Model in LingualOrthodontic Treatment Planning

작성자 사진: Dr. Young-Gyu LeeDr. Young-Gyu Lee
Sangho Noh
Private Practice, Beautiful Orthodontic Clinic, Goyang, Korea

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effects of orthodontist clinical experience and mechanics development on the amount of overcorrection to be expressed in the setup model when planning a lingual orthodontic treatment.

Materials & Methods: Patients with lingual orthodontic treatment who had upper and lower first premolars extracted without any noticeable relapse were selected from a group of adults considered to have completed growth. The number of patients before 2000 and after 2015 were both 30. The patient group before 2000 was labeled as Phase A, whereas the patient group after 2015 was labeled as Phase B. These two groups were then compared.

Results: The vertical facial height did not change during lingual orthodontic treatment. The degree of lingual tipping of the anterior teeth was reduced in the Phase B group compared with the Phase A group during lingual orthodontic treatment.

Conclusion: The orthodontist can gain lingual orthodontic treatment experience and skills, improve lingual orthodontic brackets, and develop the lingual orthodontic process. The upper and lower anterior teeth’s lingual tipping tendency is reduced. Therefore, the orthodontist must update the overcorrection amount by reflecting these points to make the setup model.

Key words: Lingual orthodontic treatment, Overcorrection, Setup mode

Korean J Lingual Orthod 2022;11(1):1-8


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