Tandem Technique with Multi-slot Bracket in Lingual Orthodontics
Yeon-Bum Choi1 , Sang-Hoon Choi2
1 Dr. Choi’s Orthodontic Clinic, 2 School of Dentistry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkwunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
Nowadays so many brackets and techniques in lingual orthodontics have evolved. Nonetheless, the tipping control, rotation control and torque control of both anterior and posterior teeth are always main issues of troubles. However, the use of two main arch wire in leveling, anterior retraction and finishing stages eliminates almost all of above mentioned troubles. Other accessory wire like TPA (trans-palatal arch wire), MLA (mandibular lingual arch wire) and intrusion/extrusion spring (sectional arch wire) help coordinate both arches. Multi-slot lingual bracket like Fujita lingual bracket and Chois lingual bracket (CLB) permits the insertion of two main arch wires and sometimes third accessory arch wires at the same time showing the merits of multi-slot bracket and enables the three dimensional tooth movement as the practitioner wants. Two main arch wires also permit the use of elastic ring instead of ligature wires for arch wire fi xation by counter-force directional insertion of arch wires in slots resulting in generous reduction of chair side time consuming. Another merit of tandem mechanism is the possibility to predict the treatment result by holding and keeping the moving teeth with a preformed passive arch wire to the ideal treatment goal. Newly developed CLB enables the use of preformed straight lingual arch wire resulting in accelerating treatment procedure and chair side work.
Key words: Tandem mechanism, Fujita lingual bracket, Chois lingual bracket
Korean J Lingual Ortho 2012;1(1):53-65