Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[4-1]_(75~86) A Treatment Approach for Lip Protrusion Using KILBON Appliance
A Treatment Approach for Lip Protrusion Using KILBON Appliance Min Jung1 , Sang Hwan Joo1 , Soon Yong Kwon2 , Young Guk Park3 1 Ye-E-Rang...
조회수 60회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[4-1]_(63~74) Lingual Orthodontic Treatment Using Twin-wire Technique in Extraction Cases
Lingual Orthodontic Treatment Using Twin-wire Technique in Extraction Cases Jongsam Nam, Jisong Jung, Kyeongmin Lee S Orthodontic Clinic,...
조회수 19회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[4-1]_(51~62) Lingual Biomechanics Based on Customized Prescription
Lingual Biomechanics Based on Customized Prescription Martín Pedernera Centro de Ortodoncia y ATM Ladent, Barcelona, Spain Th is paper is...
조회수 23회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[4-1]_(37~50) The Digital Self Ligating Lingual System: HARMONY
The Digital Self Ligating Lingual System: HARMONY Isao Matsuno Akasaka Matsuno Orthodontic Offi ce, Tokyo, Japan Some Lingual self...
조회수 29회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[4-1]_(26~36) Start-off by Thinking of the End
Start-off by Thinking of the End Pablo Echarri Clínica Echarri, Ronda General Mitre, Barcelona, Spain The 50% of the success of an...
조회수 20회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일2분 분량
[4-1]_(19~25) Comparison of Skeletal Transverse Widths in Korean Adults according to Angle Classifi
Comparison of Skeletal Transverse Widths in Korean Adults according to Angle Classifi cation Using 3-dimensional Cone-beam Computed...
조회수 21회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일2분 분량
[4-1]_(13~18) Influence of Occlusal Pads on Postural Balance in the Treatment of Patients with Lingu
Infl uence of Occlusal Pads on Postural Balance in the Treatment of Patients with Lingual Brackes System. Crossing Borders....
조회수 29회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일2분 분량
[4-1]_(01~12) Comparison of Dental Arch Form between Korean and Belarusian Population
Comparison of Dental Arch Form between Korean and Belarusian Population Elena Martysiuk1 , Prasad N K Koteswara2 , Wonjae Yu3 , Hee-Moon...
조회수 17회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[3-1]_(68~76) Surgery First Orthodontic Treatment in Class III with Lingual Appliance (I)
Surgery First Orthodontic Treatment in Class III with Lingual Appliance (I) Chang-ok Oh Smile Again Orthodontic Center, Seoul, Korea...
조회수 21회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[3-1]_(45~67) The Efficiency of Lingual Orthodontics in Open-Bite Treatment: Case Reports
The Efficiency of Lingual Orthodontics in Open-Bite Treatment: Case Reports Yeon Bum Choi Choi’s Orthodontic Clinic, Korean Association...
조회수 50회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일2분 분량
[3-1]_(24~44) Treatment of Lip Protrusion Using Customized Lingual Brackets
Treatment of Lip Protrusion Using Customized Lingual Brackets Sang Hwan Joo1 , Soo Hwan Kim1 , Min Jung1 , Young Guk Park2 1 Ye-E-Rang...
조회수 20회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[3-1]_(13~23) Comparison of Vertical Dimension according to the Vertical Skeletal Pattern during Lin
Comparison of Vertical Dimension according to the Vertical Skeletal Pattern during Lingual Orthodontic Treatment Sang-Ho Noh Private...
조회수 20회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일2분 분량
[3-1]_(1~12) Effects of Mechanical Properties of Lingual Lever Arm on the Displacement Pattern of An
Effects of Mechanical Properties of Lingual Lever Arm on the Displacement Pattern of Anterior Segment: A Finite Element Analysis Ji-Sung...
조회수 26회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[2-1]_(65~73) Non-surgical Orthodontic Treatment of a Skeletal Open Bite in High Angle Adult Case
Non-surgical Orthodontic Treatment of a Skeletal Open Bite in High Angle Adult Case Jung-Kil Lee1 , Bum-Yeon Koh2 1 X.O. Dental Office 2...
조회수 19회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[2-1]_(53~64) Effective Lower Incisor Intrusion Using Lingual Appliance
Effective Lower Incisor Intrusion Using Lingual Appliance Joong-Ki Lim, Sang-Hee Lee Yon Dental Clinic, Seoul, Korea Purpose: This...
조회수 13회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[2-1]_(19~52) Comparison of Treatment Easiness Depend on the Crowding Severity in Lingual Orthodonti
Comparison of Treatment Easiness Depend on the Crowding Severity in Lingual Orthodontics Yeon-Bum Choi1 , Sang-Hoon Choi2 1 Chois...
조회수 19회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[2-1]_(12~18) Multi-slotted Lingual Bracket: Tandem Archwire Technique
Multi-slotted Lingual Bracket: Tandem Archwire Technique Ryoon-Ki Hong1 , Seung-Min Lim2 , Jung-Min Heo3 , Jang-Hoon Ahn4 1 Chairman,...
조회수 30회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[2-1]_(1~6) The Reproducibility of Natural Head Position between Before and After Orthognathic Surge
The Reproducibility of Natural Head Position between Before and After Orthognathic Surgery Hee-Wook Sohn1 , In-Young Park2 , Young-Ju...
조회수 25회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[1-1]_(66~74) Orthodontic Treatment of Gummy Smile by Maxillary Total Intrusion with Midpalatal Abso
Orthodontic Treatment of Gummy Smile by Maxillary Total Intrusion with Midpalatal Absolute Anchorage System (MAAS) Jung Min Heo1 ,...
조회수 57회댓글 0개
Dr. Young-Gyu Lee
2022년 9월 12일1분 분량
[1-1]_(53~65) Tandem Technique with Multi-slot Bracket in Lingual Orthodontics
Tandem Technique with Multi-slot Bracket in Lingual Orthodontics Yeon-Bum Choi1 , Sang-Hoon Choi2 1 Dr. Choi’s Orthodontic Clinic, 2...
조회수 44회댓글 0개